Saturday, January 2, 2010

Year in review

The first year of the Obama administration has been a rocky one so far. Faced with a fractured economy he has so far followed the game plan started by the Bush administration hoping that bailing out the financial institutions would some how set the economy straight. This has at least helped the stock market which did have a good year but the average person is still faced with an uphill battle in finding work and paying every days bills.

Surprisingly he has continued his support of Ben Barnanke to lead the economic revival at the Fed. The fed has kept rates low helping the banks back to better health but not really helping the average consumer. To date the president has also continued the Bush administration initiative in Iraq and has expanded the war in Afghanistan and seems poised to bring the war to a new front in Yemen.

He has alos failed to get any improvement in the health care situation as the legislation continues to plod through congress.

So the average person is faced with: Higher unemployment, Lower paying jobs when they do find a job, Continued higher oil prices, Higher taxes from states that are debt ridden as well and the prospects of higher taxes at the federal level because of soaring debt. They are alos continuing to see higher health car bills

Where is all the change that he talked about?

We will go into more detail in the future about how he has continued the Bush plan to help big business at the expense of the average person

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