Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help the Haitian's

The tragedy in Haiti offers our country and our president an opportunity to show the world how our country has changed and is willing to help our neighbors in need. This may present us with an opportunity to show how our military and other resources we have in our country can be source of good for our world.

Maybe our leaders can for once put aside their differences and help people in our backyard who's is truly desperate. This then may be used to catapult us to maybe become kinder and gentler to people in our own country who are in need.

Our country is being controlled by large financial institutions and large companies who control all aspects of our political process. These companies actually control the process of how we are governed who governs us. Maybe for once these people who are all so fortunate can help those who are less fortunate. Rather than holding hearings about how much in bonuses the folks who have run us all aground should make and who should be in charge of making rules up so they don't do it again. These folks should work on solving the problems of the common man.

Leaders put aside your differences and help the folks in Haiti.

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