Saturday, January 23, 2010

Get Rid of Bernanke Now

Should we reappoint Ben Bernanke?

It looks like an easy call to me. Ben missed the boat on the real estate bubble so that to me is strike one. He has given the banks free money for more than a years now and they are still failing and losing money so this plan has not worked either., This is strike two.

Finally, unemployment and jobs have not been created with this great master plan he has. This is strike three. Your are out. He guided the ship into this problem he has not guided us out of the problem so get rid of him.

He has saddled the country with huge potential losses on the Fed balance sheet that we do not question.

My conundrum is this: Why do the Democrats now support this guy when the Republicans gave him the job in the first place.. Now the Republicans want him out and the Dems want him.

To me this makes no sense. If the politicians can't figure what they want should he really be reappointed?

So, to me it is simple get someone else in to shake up the system.

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