Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are they really going to reappoint Ben Bernanke

Is it just me or is it odd that all the Democrats are supporting Ben Bernanke and all of the Republicans are opposing him.

Wasn't he nominated by the Republicans and at the helm when all of this mess was being created. Logic would tell you that the Democrats would want to get rid of this guy not the Republicans.

To me this is a perfect example of why none of the politicians can be trusted. They are a bunch of sheep who follow the party leaders. The party leaders just follow what the money people in big business and on Wall Street tell them to do. So really it doesn't matter who is running the ship because they all act a great game but will do whatever big business tells them to do.

In this crisis big business is saying save the banks. And they are at the expense of the average consumer. So the banks are able to charge you high rates and fees and in the long run they will just keep stealing your money. Why ,because they tell the politicians what to do.

The government, the big banks,the doctors the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies and big oil and of course Wall Street are all in this together. There goal is to take every penny they can for the average person. There plans are working and the average Joe is getting poorer every day

As for Mr.Bernanke he is in charge of trying to maximize the profits and minimize the losses for big business. He could care less about the average person. He has helped to create the worst economy for consumers that most of us have ever scene in our lives.

His reward is that he gets to do this for 4 more years. Our reward is that we get the privilege of paying to clean up the mess and make big business more money. I thought we voted for change so why is nothing changing?

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