Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health care passes The House 11/08/2009

Now that the house has passed the Health care reform bill we are one step closer to having universal health care. The big question here is whether this is good or bad. It is obvious that all people deserve some form of health care. The question that truly needs to be decided is what quality of care do they deserve to get for what they can pay.

To me the biggest issue is the cost in delivering services. There is no competition in the services that are delivered and no price discovery at the time of service. To me this is what needs to be reformed. Those subtle changes would to understand the costs of the systems and police the doctors themselves so they don't become victims of unnecessary tests that end up raising the costs of the care.

To me this is why we need to have some sort of government option. By having a government option we will have a yardstick to measure private services against. If the private sector does a better more affordable job then people will naturally go for the more affordable option. If the government option is better then these companies are obviously in the wrong business.
If the insurance companies, doctors and pharmaceutical companies were all so great they would not be squealing so loudly about this and would embrace the challenge. They yell because the scam they have been running for years is starting to be exposed and their profits will begin to diminish.
Obama need to call out the scam artists that have been running amok and more clearly show how we will all save money with true reform to the system.

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