Thursday, November 5, 2009

Election Results

As we predicted the democrats in office faced the wrath of the voters and lost both governors seats in the election. Both candidates were resoundingly beaten. Low voter turn out by the younger voters contributed to the losses.

The people who did vote seemed to have economic issues on their mind. In New Jersey they also sent a message that we are tired of the same old politics used in running the state economy. Corzine's overwhelmingly strong ties to Wall street that were supposed to help New Jersey residents never materialized and he was voted out. NJ must now face the unknown abilities of Chris Christie in running a divided government.

The message Obama should get from this is that it is his economy now. The honeymoon is over. He has made a tactical error by sidling with wall street in the economic bailout and done very little at this point to help main street. The economy is still suffering from the following issues:

1. Record high budget deficits

2. Still falling housing prices

3. Rising health care costs

4. In creasing costs for education

5. Still climbing unemployment rates

6. Rising local tax rates

7. Diminished ability to fund retirement with 401k and Ira funds

8. Burned of the continues bailout of financial institutions.

9. Have burdens facing small business owners in starting and keeping businesses afloat

10. War in Iraq and Afghanistan

We will look at these issue more in the weeks to come

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