Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

In what some would view as an international mandate for his current practices President Obama was named winner of the Prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. The international community is clearly pleased with his efforts thus far.

Obama continues to try it pursue his agenda both in the US and Internationally. He is being doggedhowever by a persistently bad economy.

In our view he needs to continue to push for Health care reform, more aggressively invest in the US infrastructure and do more to help the lower , lower middle and middle classes in the country. Also small business is dying. Help is desperately needed for these groups.

He must come to terms with the fact that the banks are going to fail for the most part and start to more aggressively get involved in restructuring the banking system. He must let some of the big banks fail so we can put these issues behind us.

He has been standing tall so far but is he making progress?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

November Elections

November Elections (10/07/2009)
The first real electoral test for the Obama administration will occur in November as governors seats in New Jersey and Virginia will be up for grabs.
The real test will be in New jersey where Goldman Sachs alum John Corzine faces stiff competition. The president has campaigned for Corzine and of course the Wall street elite money will be backing the governor.
NJ residents who suffer from the highest property taxes in the country may say that they have had enough of the politically connected Wall street types and vote Corzine put.
This would be a message to Obama that maybe he should stop being so cozy with Wall street and start helping main street.
This right will say that this is a total repudiation of the Obama mandate. This to me is more of a pull by the more central democrats and independents sating they are tired of business as usual and that people will be held accountable for doing a bad job even if it means putting a Republican in office.
That will be the dilemma for New Jersey voters. After what the republicans did to the country for eight years would they be willing to put any republican back in office with the fire still raging from the damage they did?
IF they do times may be rough for President Obama.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Unemployment issues

When will Unemployment Stop Rising? (10/05/2009)
The Bloomberg article below discusses the fact that the economy will continue the face difficulty with the continued rising unemployment.
Unemployment Rising to 9.8% Means More Economic Pain as Consumption Falls
Our position continues to be that the consumer is be systematically wiped out by the events that took place and are continuing to take place in the economy.
Retirement funds are being depleted equity that people had in their homes is falling. People who need help[ with refinancing debts are being shunned by the banks that are being bailed out by the Government.
Real disposable income is being reduced and people are being forced to repay debts that with these reduced rates.
I see no proposals that are available to help the average person being proposed.
The Obama administration ran on a platform of helping individuals. Where is the help?

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Soaring mortgage delinquency rates and continued high and growing unemployment rates signal long term economic problems that the our Federal reserve leaders are continuing to ignore.

The Fed has continued to under estimate the depth of the trouble that is facing the average consumer. There are record levels of bankruptcy filings. Record levels of continuing unemployment claims and persistently weaker housing prices. These statics to meet indicate that there will be long term weakness in the economy extending deep in the first term of the Obama Administration.

The Obama administration does not seem to care much about these issues the seem content to let Chairman Bernanke continue to call the shots on the economy. He has so often underestimated the magnitude of the problems yet the administration lets him continue to take the lead without question.

Obama needs to revisit this soon before we start to have soup kitchens again in our country

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